DailyDeli for 2007-01-19
Yet another news aggregator: Findory Have you visited your favorite news site only to find a bunch of headlines which have nothing to do with your interests? Have you looked at the plethora of RSS Feeds and configure-your-own websites and felt overwhelmed by the choices?That’s where Find (tags: news aggregator findory) Some optimisation of GoogleReader […]
DailyDeli for 2007-01-18
Some information and tools for manipulating key bindings on MacOsX: TextMate Blog » Key bindings for switchers This entry isn’t just for switchers, but I’ve gotten several requests for making the home/end function keys go to the beginning/end of current line, which is how Windows does it, hence the title. (tags: howto macosx keybindings textmate) […]
DailyDeli for 2007-01-17
A commercial grade open source virtualization software just announced by a german software company (coming to MacOsX in the future) InnoTek Systemberatung GmbH InnoTek VirtualBox ist ein x86-Virtualisierer für alle Einsatzzwecke: Server, Desktop und Embedded. Nach mehreren Jahren, in denen VirtualBox als Lösung für spezielle Virtualisierungsbedürfnisse reifen konnte, ist das Produkt mit seinem umfangreichen (tags: […]