Month: September 2007

  • links for 2007-09-22

    Mini Web IDE for IronPython and Silverlight: 0.4.0 A project for experimenting with IronPython and Silverlight. Requires Silverlight 1.1 Alpha Refresh. Uses the EditArea Syntax Highlighting Javascript Code Editor (tags: software opensource python silverlight webide) MetaCarta Labs: RSS GeoTagger Convert any RSS or Atom feed into GeoRSS or KML using MetaCarta’s OnDemand GeoTagger. Load the […]

  • links for 2007-09-21

    arRsync (tags: software opensource macosx rsync gui arsync)

  • links for 2007-09-20

    MetaCarta Labs MetaCarta Labs is strongly in support of RESTful technology around GIS. FeatureServer is a REST-based geographic feature storage engine, which includes relatively complete Atom Publishing Protocol support. (tags: software opensource python rest featureserver atompub) Josh’s iTunes Album Art Grabber This script will query the iTunes store and search for the album you specified […]