Month: December 2007

  • links for 2007-12-31

    ATP Photo Finder The ATP Photo Finder calculates and records GPS position data and allows you to precisely track the exact location and time of where your pictures were taken. Activate the Photo Finder while you’re taking pictures with your digital camera. (tags: hardware geotag atpphotofinder)

  • links for 2007-12-30 – Share and remix data using open standards Standardized Data Portability is the next great frontier for the web. As users, our identity, photos, videos and other forms of personal data should be discoverable by, and shared between our chosen tools or vendors. We need a DHCP for Identity. (tags: standards web data) Johnny […]

  • links for 2007-12-29

    Pligg Blog Pligg is an open source social networking content management system (CMS). It combines social bookmarking, bloggin, syndication and a democratic editorial system that enables users to collaboratively submit and promote articles. (tags: software opensource php cms digg pligg) iPhoneOrientation “iPhoneOrientation” llustrates how to respond to iPhone or iPod touch orientation events, determine iPhone […]