Month: June 2009

  • links for 2009-06-23

    SpriteMe! CSS Sprites are a way to make your web pages faster. A sprite combines multiple background images into a single image. This reduces the number of downloads in the page. Most major websites use sprites, but they're a pain in the neck! (tags: service webservice bookmarklet css sprites spriteme) Social Media Mini Iconpack · […]

  • links for 2009-06-22

    Web Technology & Information Systems The competition divides into two tasks: * External Plagiarism Analysis. Given a set of suspicious documents and a set of source documents the task is to find all text passages in the suspicious documents which have been plagiarized and the corresponding text passages in the source documents. * Intrinsic Plagiarism […]

  • links for 2009-06-19

    Amazon Web Services Developer Community : Running MySQL on Amazon EC2 with Elastic Block Store This tutorial describes one approach to using Amazon EC2's Elastic Block Store (EBS) as a persistent storage mechanism for a production MySQL database server, including snapshot backup and restore. (tags: content tutorial aws ec2 ebs mysql)