This day was about ACAP research for my article, more digging into OGC WMS seserver and other geonews related stuff and online news aggregators (triggered by a buzzmachine article on ONA)
ACAP (Automated Content Access Protocol) is being developed as an industry standard by the publishing industry, working with search engines and other technical and commercial partners.
Co-ordinating the development, promotion and implementation of Electronic Commerce in the book and serials sectors.
News Aggregators
Founded in 2004, Inform is in the business of organizing, or structuring, massive amounts of unstructured data. Inform’s vision is to expand the traditional realm of Internet news aggregators and search engines to revolutionize the user experience. Inform
Daylife is an early stage startup, NYC based, with a veteran management team and strong corporate and angel backers, building a new online news company.
Geonews and GIS
Carbon Portal Logo Your online source for Open-Geospatial development on the .NET platform. This portal is designed to support The Carbon Project’s ( community of users and developers. The Carbon Project’s mission is to make open-
Webmapping / Web-GIS Diese Seite stellt die wichtigsten Webmapping Software-Produkte, Links, Literatur-Hinweise und Anbieter zusammen.