Yesterday i did quite some googling on some themes i’m currently interested in:
One more tag /term extraction API:
- then returns a set of tags based on the textual content you specified. The service is mainly designed for developers, building applications that make use of tagging.
Information (and graph) visualization toolkits:
This web site provides access to a comprehehsive set of software packages easing the exploration, modification, comparison, and extension of data mining and information visualization algorithms. Diverse software packages were bundled into learning modules
Welcome to Piccolo! A revolutionary way to create robust, full-featured graphical applications in Java and C#, with striking visual effects such as zooming, animation and multiple representations.
The InfoVis Toolkit is a Interactive Graphics Toolkit written in Java to ease the development of Information Visualization applications and components.
JUNG — the Java Universal Network/Graph Framework–is a software library
The Macintosh port of the automated graph layout software, featuring a new document-based GUI, export to PDF and many more bitmap formats, full alpha transparency, native font and shapefile support and anti-aliasing.
The Microsoft reasearch homepage and its infovis components:
The Community Technologies group at Microsoft Research has developed a set of components for displaying data in .NET applications. Included in this package are: a treemap. A treemap is a rendering of hierarchical data as a set of nested boxes, where each
Treemapper is an Excel Add-In that allows an Excel user to quickly and easily generate a treemap visualization of any hierarchical data in Excel, or from a CSV or XML file. Treemapper is based on the Data Visualization Components also available from this
MapCruncher lets users quickly convert existing maps into an online format that’s as fast and easy to use as Virtual Earth. PDF and raster maps can be converted in minutes just by clicking on corresponding landmarks on the user’s map and the global maps
Some interesting Python libraries / toolkits:
The ReportLab Open Source PDF library is a proven industry-strength PDF generating solution, that you can use for meeting your requirements and deadlines in enterprise reporting systems.
NLTK, the Natural Language Toolkit, is a suite of program modules, data sets and tutorials supporting research and teaching in computational linguistics and natural language processing.
nltk_jkm is a Python package, which contains some mostly information retrieval (IR) related additions and extensions to the NLTK natural language package for Python.
And finally some things i stumbled upon while browsing
Another News Rating site:
Another visual frontend for web site spider / wrappers:
openkapow provides free and open access to the visual scripting tools that create mashups, built around the concept of software Robots. As a member of the openkapow community, developers can share their own expertise and even their Robots and mashups, wit
You are not using your windows ? Fenêtres Volantes make them fly ! After some idle time that can be set in the System Preferences, the windows take off the screen and flutter in the void. On a mouse move, the windows immediately come back and stuck to th
Some nice pixelart wrapped up in a wordpress blog:
Another take to federated identity systems:
OpenID is an open, decentralized, free framework for user-centric digital identity. OpenID starts with the concept that anyone can identify themselves on the Internet the same way websites do-with a URI (also called a URL or web address). Since URIs are a