Video recording on the mac made easy:
Want to make recordings with your camera? Don’t want to buy QuickTime Pro? iRecord is your solution. Just open iRecord, and video recording is as simple as pressing the red button. Take a quick photo by dragging the picture to your desktop. iRecord is t
An online video transcoding service:
mux video transcoder e x t r e m e – a l p h a – p r o o f o f c o n c e p t brought to you by cruxy, the best place for independent original creativity
Some python libraries and scripts:
OWSLib Makes W*S Suck Less ¶ Library for programming with OGC(TM) web services.
Python made metaprogramming possible, but each Python version has added slightly different — and not quite compatible — wrinkles to the way you accomplish metaprogramming tricks. Playing with first-class function objects has long been around, as have te
This script helps me manage my digital photos by filing them in a directory based on the EXIF date and applying keywords and by-line information to the IPTC metadata.
An example flex app:
The DisplayShelf component demonstrates using a number of flex and flash concepts to provide a rich, templatable control to display a faux-3d view of a list of items. Its behavior is similar to the CoverFlow visualization added to iTunes in version 7.