DailyDeli for 2007-02-16

Another python package for dealing with WURFL for mobile device recognition, a term extractor i thought i had tagged a long time ago and the MacOsX desktopversion of Wiki engine MoinMoin:Another python package for dealing with WURFL, the mobile device capability database (ok, actually XML file).

  • pywurfl is a Python language package that makes dealing with the WURFL in Python a little easier. It contains tools that allow you to retrieve objects that represent devices defined in the WURFL or manipulate the WURFL device hierarchy by using a simple s

A term extractor api that is supposed to work with german texts among other languages. (From first tests it is more a named entity extractor, tagging the recognized entitities as persons, organizations, etc.):

MoinMoin bundled as a MacOSX app:

  • MoinX is a Mac OS X desktop Wiki, built with ease of use in mind and rich with features. MoinX gives you a full blown and unmodified MoinMoin wiki without forcing you to run a full blown web server. Instead MoinX is bundled with the high performance Twist