Even more geo stuff, a site aggregating Googles TechTalks, a link to a very interesting research paper on google news and collaborative filtering (from the latest W3C conference) and some tools for our macs and our new phones:
GEON : The Geosciences Network
The GEON Portal is the entry point for accessing online resources such as data and tools. Different sections of the portal (a.k.a. portlets) provide different functionality such as search, myGEON, and access to tools and applications.
FAO GeoNetwork- The portal to spatial data and information
GeoNetwork opensource allows to easily share geographically referenced thematic information between different FAO Units, other UN Agencies, NGO’s and other institutions.
Google TechTalks:
Google TechTalks are designed to disseminate a wide spectrum of views on topics including Current Affairs, Science, Medicine, Engineering, Business, Humanities, Law, Entertainment, and the Arts.
Collaborative Filtering and Google News:
Geeking with Greg: Google News Personalization paper
I probably started drooling when I first noticed this paper, “Google News Personalization: Scalable Online Collaborative Filtering”. It is an awesome example of what can be done at Google scale with their data, traffic, and massive computational cluster.
gTool – Verwaltungssoftware für Siemens Gigaset Schnurlostelefone
gTool ist ein kleines Programm zum Bearbeiten datenfähiger Siemens Gigaset Schnurlostelefone vom PC aus. Das Tool ist kostenlos und aus meiner Siemens Handyverwaltungssoftware www.s25atonce.de entstanden.
Gwenhiver.net – Applications – Address Book Exporter
Address Book Exporter is a little utility that does one thing, and one thing only: it will let you export your Mac OS X Address Book as a tab-delimited plain text file. Apple doesn’t include this feature in its application, though you may want to have it