I just wanted to point you to a new webapp dreamteam announce (or at least made aware to me in the last two days: Plainview (via tuaw) and 280signals (via daring fireball).
Plainview is a chromeless webkit-based browser for Mac OS X (soon to be OS X only) made by the barbarian group. It is just beautiful, and i definitely use it when doing presentations that include demos of web sites as well as making screenshots for this blog (see below).
I especially like the the fading in of the menu bar, the floating windows and the built-in presentation support (i.e. you can build lists of pages you can easliy jump back and forth).
BTW: I never understood why both PowerPoint and Keynote open up a separate application when clicking on a hyperlinked image etc. They should open the site within the application itself embedding the respective IE or Webkit component shouldn’t be to difficult. Or have i missed some way of doing so?
So having a great faceless browser, all you need is a great web based presentation app This is where 280Slides comes into play.
280Slides is a web based presentation software. Please not another one I hear you say, this space is already crowded. But if you prefer Keynote to PowerPoint, you definitely love 280Slides:
Besides being an amazing web app itself the most interesting fact about 280Slides can be found at Chris Heilmann’s blog:
The most amazing thing about this is happening under the hood: the developer wrote a library that abstracts browser rendering engines using Canvas, SVG and Flash (on a per-need basis) into a unified language – Objective J which is – as the name suggests – a mapping from Objective C to JavaScript.
I definitely want to know more about Objective J. And maybe Apple wakes up cooperates and / or buys 280Slides and includes this in its forthcoming .mac reincarnation.