The project aims at providing web designers with a way to use the W3's CSS Template Layout Module today. As a jQuery plug-in, the script parses a given set of CSS rules and displays the content as indicated in the specification.
Options include the ability to select the CSS parsed, as well as an optional prefix to use for the CSS rules. Specifying a prefix allows style rules that are interoperable with a possible future browser implementations.
This page provides instructions on how you can flash your Android Dev Phone with a factory Android platform system image and associated radio image. From here, you can also download the actual image binaries, as well as relevant tools to help you flash the images to your device.
CiteDrag is a script for browsers supporting the standard drag and drop model like Firefox 3.1. What it does is add automatically citation (ie. blockquotes, text quotes, ect.) to any dragged content off of the website which is using the script. CiteDrag requires no additional setup other than include the script somewhere on your website.