A perfect marriage of UNIX power with Mac elegance, Meerkat includes innovative features such as application triggers, automatic reconnection on system sleep & network change, Growl integration, Bonjour support, command-line and AppleScript integration, and much more.
SSHTunnel is an OS X application that allows you to easily create SSH tunnels from your computer to a remote host (like a website) through a SSH server. This SSH tunnel can bypass the firewall rules in a secure way. So if you are at work, and you can't access YouTube, just create a SSH tunnel, and your ready to go!
Ultra simple API for geocoding a single string against various web services.
GermaNet is a lexical-semantic net that relates German nouns, verbs, and adjectives semantically by grouping lexical units that express the same concept into synsets and by defining semantic relations between these synsets. GermaNet has much in common with the English WordNet® and might be viewed as an on-line thesaurus or a light-weigt ontology.
Germanet has been developed and maintained within various project at the Division of Computational Linguistics of the Linguistics Department, University of Tübingen since 1997. It has been integrated into the EuroWordNet (EWN), a multilingual lexical-semantic database.