Month: April 2010

  • links for 2010-04-29

    davidaurelio's TouchScroll at master – GitHub TouchScroll is a JavaScript- and CSS 3-based scroller for devices using Webkit Mobile. It is meant to mimic “native” scrolling feeling and behavior as much as possible. (tags: software opensource javascript css3 webkit mobile touchscroll) TouchScroll, a scrolling layer for WebKit mobile [update] « – the Ajax and JavaScript […]

  • links for 2010-04-29

    davidaurelio's TouchScroll at master – GitHub TouchScroll is a JavaScript- and CSS 3-based scroller for devices using Webkit Mobile. It is meant to mimic “native” scrolling feeling and behavior as much as possible. (tags: software opensource javascript css3 webkit mobile touchscroll) TouchScroll, a scrolling layer for WebKit mobile [update] « – the Ajax and JavaScript […]

  • links for 2010-04-28

    0to255 service webservice color 0to255