The following is a concise overview of the TinkerPop product space. Blueprints provides an interface for connecting to various 3rd-party graph backends. Atop this API are tools that manipulate Blueprints-enabled graphs. These include Pipes, Gremlin, and Rexster. Furthermore, a few auxiliary projects exist that satellite the themes of TinkerPop.
OpenStructs is an education and distribution site dedicated to open source software for converting, managing, viewing and manipulating structured data. Structured data can represent any existing data struct from the simplest attribute-value pair formats to fully specified relational database schema. Material on this OpenStructs site ranges from individual tools to complete open semantic frameworks (OSF) with which to builld comprehensive semantic instances.
MGSplitViewController is an open source replacement for UISplitViewController, with various useful enhancements.
TimeFlow Analytical Timeline is a visualization tool for temporal data. The current release is “alpha” software—a very early version that may have bugs and glitches.
The tool helps you analyze temporal data with five different displays:
* Timeline View: plots events over time on a scrollable, horizontal timeline
* Calendar View: plots events by day, month, and year in calendar format
* Bar Chart View: a flexible, aggregate view of data points. It allows users to aggregate data by any header in the data set.
* Table View: a straightforward table view of all data points
* List View: a simple list of events shown on the timeline, complete with description and metadata about each data point