Talks of 2010

As mentioned in my last post i did quite some public talks in the secand half of 2010. All of them basically focussing on the two main topic areas of the the dpa-newslab in 2010: e-publishing and geo metadata. So there is quite some overlap in the different presentations, so be prepared to see some redundancy if you have a look at more than one presentation.

Nevertheless i opted to upload all of them to this website as well as Slideshare. I also opted for a visual style with lots of Animations and some embedded screencasts/videos. Not all of the animation phases are included in the PDFs. This visual style made it easier to adopt to the target audience on the “audio” track  without too much late nicht presentation mangling.

I tested this approach in  the beginning of  September when i had the chance to present both at the web-of-data meetup in Berlin (Sept. 1st) on Data-driven journalism as well as the IFRA Newsroom Summit in London (Sept. 8th). Whereas the audience of the former consisted mainly of developers and data/online journalists, the audience of the latter were newspaper executives, so i would considere them quite diverse :-). I mainly adjusted to this by shifting the focus from data and meta-data to the importance of these types of information for algorithmic layout on tablets.

So this in itself was a a fun experiment & experience. It paid off  since Martin Belam (who also gave a talk at the web of data meetup) invited me to come over and give an internal talk to the guardian web team over at the Guardian on Serpt 9th., the day after the the newsroom summit talk.  Thanks to the visual style i was able to repurpose the slides of the talk to this extreme expert audience. Discussing about  data /meta-data and journalism at the guardian is really fun. Thanks again Martin.

In the beginning of October i then basically gave a talk about the geo part of the former talks at the IFRA Expo GoLocal track. At a dinner talk at an IT consultings firm customer convention i focused on the e-publishing part, showed some of our prototypes and experiments and added some thoughts about social-media on tablets.

So without further ado here are the presentations. I opted for a link to the PDF on this site, a link to the the presentation on slideshare as well as a Flash-free embed of the self hosted PDF via Google Docs Viewer.

(Meta-)Data for News on Mobile devices (Web of Data Berlin Meetup. Sept. 1st, 2010)

PDF, Slideshare

(Meta-)Data for News on Mobile devices (IFRA Newsroom Summit Sept. 8th, 2010)

PDF, Slideshare

Map it- Geocoding and maps for local media (IFRA GoLocal, Oct. 2010)

PDF, Slideshare

Regional News in Times of iPad, Twitter & Co. (Cassini Convention, Nov. 2010)

PDF, Slideshare