links for 2011-02-01

  • Creating delicious APIs for Django apps since 2010.
  • WireIt is an open-source javascript library to create web wirable interfaces for dataflow applications, visual programming languages, graphical modeling, or graph editors.
  • In the last few years, there have been many attempts to uncover communities in large networks. By large, we mean systems composed of millions of nodes, which cannot be visualized nor analyzed at the level of single nodes and therefore require a coarse-grained description.

    Our method, that we call Louvain Method (because, even though the co-authors now hold positions in Paris, London and Louvain, the method was devised when they all were in Louvain), outperforms other methods in terms of computation time, which allows us to analyze networks of unprecedented size (e.g. the analysis of a typical network of 2 million nodes only takes 2 minutes). The Louvain method has also been to shown to be very accurate by focusing on ad-hoc networks with known community structure. Moreover, due to its hierarchical structure, which is reminiscent of renormalization methods, it allows to look at communities at different resolutions.

  • Niftyurls is a popurls-style script built entirely with Django.
    From the popurls site:

    … is the dashboard for the latest web-buzz, a single page that encapsulates up-to-the-minute headlines from the most popular sites on the internet.