Month: April 2011

  • links for 2011-04-22

    Tuffy | A Scalable MLN Inference Engine Markov Logic Networks (MLNs) is a powerful framework that combines statistical and logical reasoning; they have been applied to many data intensive problems including information extraction, entity resolution, text mining, and natural language processing. Based on principled data management techniques, Tuffy is an MLN inference engine that achieves […]

  • links for 2011-04-21

    google-api-python-client – Google API Client for Python – Google Project Hosting Written by Google, this library small, flexible, and powerful Python client library for accessing Google APIs. The library supports these Python environments: (tags: software opensource python google api) Open Data Protocol (OData) The Open Data Protocol (OData) is a Web protocol for querying and […]

  • links for 2011-04-19

    README.markdown at master from nicolasff/webdis – GitHub A very simple web server providing an HTTP interface to Redis. It uses hiredis, jansson and libevent. Webdis depends on libevent-dev. You can install it on Ubuntu by typing sudo apt-get install libevent-dev or on OS X by typing brew install libevent. (tags: software opensource c redis http […]