Why feeds matter (or: media and syndication – get it or lose it)
Preface In earlier posts (see here and here) i have argued that lightweight syndication via RSS and Atom opened up a completely new ecosystem while the syndication standards preferred by “main stream media (MSM)” like ICE didn’t take off and most likely won’t do so in the future (if the upcoming ACAP standard is not […]
DailyDeli for 2007-03-29
An open-source alternative to DeliciousLibrary (unfortunately books only) and a content syndication marketplace:
Newspapers and syndication – Part I: ACAP ASAP?
Originally i had planned to write about my experiences with the NYT Reader (not to bad) and Microsoft Max Feedreader (really bad) this week. But then monday i read that the world association of newspapers (WAN), together with the European Publishers Council (E.P.C.) the International Publishers Association (I.P.A.) and the European Newspapers Association (E.N.P.A) is […]