Some information on Adobes integration of H.264 video (and other formats into it’s next version of the flash player), an open source mapping engine for .NET, and a google mashup editor based travelmap:
Flash 9 and H.264:
TTXT Format Documentation – GPAC Project on Advanced Content
The 3GPP consortium has defined a standard for text streaming, independent of any scene description such as SMIL, SVG or BIFS: 3GPP Timed Text. MP4Box supports this standard and uses its own textual format to describe a streaming text session.
My Travel map lets you keep a list of all your travel around the world, then plots your journeys on a Google Map for you to admire.
.NEt Mapping engine:
SharpMap – Open Source Mapping Engine for .Net 2.0 – Home
SharpMap is an easy-to-use mapping library for use in web and desktop applications. It provides access to many types of GIS data, enables spatial querying of that data, and renders beautiful maps.