Eds. Notes – FancyZoom, tapping into my SharedItems archive


A couple of weeks ago i made a small change to the way full size images are displayed. I’m now using FancyZoom, an excellent opensource way of javascript-enabling / web2.0-ifying this process. Since it leaves the html code completely untouched it should work seamlessly with feed readers, and degrade gracefully on old browsers. If you experience any problems, please tell me.

Tapping into my shared items

Some of you might have noticed that i make extensive use of the “Share item” feature of Google reader. I think of it as a service to the readers of this blog: An intelligent filter to the one-hundred smething feeds i’m reading. To be exact (according to my Google reader trends page):

From your 182 subscriptions, over the last 30 days you read 5,933 items, starred 0 items, shared 499 items, and emailed 0 items.

With my last post i decided that it makes sense to tap into this ressource while writing posts. In some sense i already did this in some way for quite some time. I used the search feature of google reader (filtered on my shared items) to find the respective blog posts.

I now decided to include a select list of the entries returned by these searches as a “See also service”. Please tell me if you consider this avaluable add on.right now i’m not sure if it makes sense to include the abstracts of the related posts. Please tell me.