Enter Twenty Thirteen
After a very long hiatus, it’s time to revive this blog. First thing: Update WP to 3.7.1. Second: Select a new theme that also works great on mobile. Twenty Thirteen looks great, so why not use it. But the width of the main blog post is to narrow. Inspect element shows it is only 604 […]
What (TF) have i been doing
Sorry for the long hiatus on this blog. So before i start blogging again (new years resolution), a short wrap-up about what i was doing in the meantime. Since August, i first had to prepare a couple of talks Georgi Kobilarov kindly asked me to give a presentation at the Web of Data Meetup Berlin […]
Upgraded to 2.6
After reading this i immediately upgraded to WordPress 2.6. The upgrade itself seemingly was flawless. If you happen to find a bug, please tell me. BTW.: I switch to doing an svn export of the WP tag from the automattic repository followed by an internal rsync -avz. This reduces the upgrade time to a couple […]