Month: July 2008

  • Just $3.6B: Total value of 10 news stocks [newsosaur]

    Quote from Reflections of a Newsosaur: Just $3.6B: Total value of 10 news stocks (via Buzzmachine): At today’s close, the total decline in value of the dozen newspaper shares trading since the first of the year was nearly $27.7 billion, a plunge of 35.7% in 6½ months. This calculation does not include the shares of […]

  • Political videos meet Google speech-to-text technology [Google Blog]

    A Quote from Official Google Blog: “In their own words”: political videos meet Google speech-to-text technology (via DownloadSquad ) With the help of our speech recognition technologies, videos from YouTubes Politicians channels are automatically transcribed from speech to text and indexed. Using the gadget you can search not only the titles and descriptions of the […]

  • Twitter acquires Summize [Twitter Blog]

    A quote from Twitter Blog: Finding A Perfect Match: We’re excited to announce that Twitter has acquired Summize—an extraordinary search tool and an amazing group of engineers. All five Summize engineers will move to San Francisco, CA and take jobs at Twitter, Inc. This is an important step forward in the evolution of Twitter as […]