Month: September 2008

  • links for 2008-09-21

    AYM CMS AYM CMS is about bringing the last ten years of web tools back to where it all started: static websites. (tags: software opensource python django aymcms) typogrify – Google Code Typogrify is a collection of Django template filters that help prettify your web typography by preventing ugly quotes and widows and providing CSS […]

  • Blackberry Bold battery life: Really bad (if you happen to be in NY)

    I just noticed that the Blackberry Bold release date is once again pushed back: Now to Oct. 2nd. I might have experienced one reason why. I just recently visited NYC and while the Bold’s battery typically lasts 4 – 5 days on average use in germany, it only lasted around 12 to max 24hrs in […]

  • A tale of a power adapter (ripoff)

    Recently Apple added a a knowledge base article announcing that they are replacing frayed power adapters (sees also here). The wording of that artcle is: Whether your product is in or out-of-warranty, you can take your adapter (you don’t need to take the computer, however, please do bring the computer’s serial number) to an Apple-Authorized […]