Category: Elsewhere

  • links for 2011-05-11

    Libraries and Web Services for Outdoor Pursuits Mashups If you try and load big GPX tracklogs they may well contain too much detail (too many short legs) for display as a GMaps GPolyline. To work around this, the point set needs to be thinned. The classic algorithm for this is known as the Douglas Peucker […]

  • links for 2011-05-06

    SimString SimString is a simple library for fast approximate string retrieval. Approximate string retrieval finds strings in a database whose similarity with a query string is no smaller than a threshold. Finding not only identical but similar strings, approximate string retrieval has various applications including spelling correction, flexible dictionary matching, duplicate detection, and record linkage. […]

  • links for 2011-05-03

    SentiWordNet SentiWordNet is a lexical resource for opinion mining. SentiWordNet assigns to each synset of WordNet three sentiment scores: positivity, negativity, objectivity. SentiWordNet is described in details in the papers: (tags: content nlp wordnet sentiwordnet) Rob Hess – SIFT Library he Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) is a method to detect distinctive, invariant image feature […]