More books
I’ve been quite busy in the last weeks, first on the job and then being on a one week skiing holiday. Hence i wasn’t able to report on a couple of new books i bought recently. So lets do this. In order to be chronical first the ‘oldest book’ The Definitive Guide to django – […]
Back from the break – What to expect next
After nearly 3 weeks of holidays i’m back from the break. In the meantime i was mostly renovating my house and only occasionally reading through my subscriptions as well as surfing the net. There was no time for writing any articles, especially because i had to install and set-up my new media centre/home server mac […]
Orion, an algorithm for a revolutionary search engine?
In the last days the news were abuzz with headlines like: Search for secret millions + Google , Google kauft Suchalgorithmus von israelischem Studenten (Google buys search algorithm from israeli student) Most often they more or less recited the original press release (dated from Sept. 2005) and stated the fact that the inventor, Ori Allon, […]