Category: Quick ‘n Dirty

  • Gerrit vs. Rietveld

    Does anybody have an idea how Gerrit (Androids code review app) compares to Rietveld (the generic code code review app open-sourced earlier this year). A first glimpse suggests that the former is a superset of the latter. Any more insights?

  • A quick note on QIK for iPhone

    Recently the rumors that an official QIK application for the iPhone might be imminent (E.g. Kevin Rose is showing it off over here and there are more speculations over here). I would love this to be true (i’ve a jailbroken iPod but my iPhone has to stay unjailbroken) but I very much doubt that this  […]

  • Blackberry Bold battery life: Really bad (if you happen to be in NY)

    I just noticed that the Blackberry Bold release date is once again pushed back: Now to Oct. 2nd. I might have experienced one reason why. I just recently visited NYC and while the Bold’s battery typically lasts 4 – 5 days on average use in germany, it only lasted around 12 to max 24hrs in […]