Tag: geo

  • DailyDeli for 2007-08-21

    A load of links related to hierarchies of administrative regions, free maps from national geographic, a Google News like site funded and run by the EU commision, a forthcoming specialises Map Illustration Software for MacOS X, and some more Flash Components:

  • DailyDeli for 2007-06-22

    Mobile Flash (Flashlite) infos, another kid focused prgramming language based on squeak, a geo rest discussion group, using Yahoo! pipes for map mashups, and the Python answers to a Forrester questionnaire on dynamic languages:

  • DailyDeli for 2007-06-21

    Quite heterogeneous: Another rest and python based GIS feature approach, a minimal pythin web framework, a project for a google map öike interface for gigapixel panoramas, integration Felx and Python and a Linux installer framework: