Commented on “How (and why) to replace the AP” at buzzmachine.com
My comment on Jeff Jarvis blog post on APs news registry and tracking proposal: Update: This comment never made it through moderation :-( Jeff, some remarks from germany: 1) Wrt. Hamburger Erklärung: In contrast to the US, in germany there is a supreme court decision dated in 2000 (or was it 2001?), the so called […]
Why Times Reader 2.0 is important
On monday evening i tweeted: #nyt #timesreader2.0 IMHO more important 4 newspapers than all #eReaders. AAPL media pad has 2 support AIR until Canvas + CSS kick in Since some context had to miss from this tweet, and threaded discussions are difficult to do on twitter, i’ll try to explain my rationales for this tweet […]
A quote from Sam Zell via SAM ZELL’S NEW THINKING at WHAT’S NEXT: INNOVATIONS IN NEWSPAPERS: “I don’t believe it’s fair to hold me to the sentence that I expressed six months ago. I don’t know that anybody has a frame of reference on advertising revenue destruction that, in effect, is as bad as this, […]