Why Times Reader 2.0 is important
On monday evening i tweeted: #nyt #timesreader2.0 IMHO more important 4 newspapers than all #eReaders. AAPL media pad has 2 support AIR until Canvas + CSS kick in Since some context had to miss from this tweet, and threaded discussions are difficult to do on twitter, i’ll try to explain my rationales for this tweet […]
NYT MyTimes – the way to go for newspaper sites
This night i received the followong mail from the New York Times: “Dear Readers, I’m pleased to introduce My Times — a new way to personalize NYTimes.com. My Times lets you create a customized page gathering your favorite information from The New York Times and elsewhere on the Web, with guidance (if you want it) […]
Beta for NYTimes Reader available
I just noticed (via Read/WriteWeb) that the NYT opened up the beta program of the NYTReader software. Times Reader was unveiled by Arthur Sulzberger Jr. and Bill Gates in Seattle on April 28th this year and seems to be a successor or variant of the software that microsoft code-named “Max“. The screenshots at Read/WriteWeb look […]