DailyDeli for 2007-04-18

Quite some heterogeneous collection: IETF specs & drafts  for URL schemes, python based components for libraries and archives, a nice example for map based visualization of data (genealogy data),  the best framework (widget-based) to bring information based services to the mobile phone i’ve seen so far (and i’ve seen a lot) and finally a service that allows you to become your own mobile operator with a couple of clicks (unfortunately US only, german copycats please start your engines):


Components for libraries and archives:

Map based data visualization:

  • Geogen steht für “geographische Genealogie”, was so viel bedeutet wie ortsbezogene Ahnenforschung. Mit dem Webdienst können Sie Landkarten über die Verbreitung von Familiennamen in Deutschland erstellen.

Mobile widgets framework:

Mobile Operator as as self-service: