An archive of open source “knowledge packages” and two packages mentioned therein. Another gazetteer like geonames package and another semantic wikipedia:
Knowledge pacjkages:
CKAN – Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network – Home
CKAN is the Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network, a registry of open knowledge packages and projects (and a few closed ones). CKAN is the place to search for open knowledge resources as well as register your own
This module requires a directory containing a set of “CitiesInfo” files, that you can put anywhere on your system (default ‘/usr/local/share/citiesinfo’, but you can change this in the source file.)
CitiesInfo files are sqlite databases - – Using Wikipedia as a Web Database is a community effort to extract structured information from Wikipedia
and to make this information available on the Web. DBpedia allows you to ask
sophisticated queries against Wikipedia and to link other datasets on the Web
to Wikipedia data