Mein Beitrag zum LSR: Snippets als Vorschaubilder
tl;dr Um den Fliegendreck links neben der Ergebnisliste dreht sich die ganze Aufregung in der Aktuellen LSR Diskussion. Jetzt ehrlich? Und jetzt die Longform: Prolog Nachdem der Bundestag das LSR in 2. und 3. Lesung verabschiedet hat (PDF), wird es Zeit, dass ich mal wieder etwas in dieses Blog schreibe. In der Änderung vom Mittwoch […]
(Nearly) Nothing changed after the Google Reader change (Updated)
A couple of hours ago Google pushed the recently announced changes to Google Reader. As the accompanying blog post says: Today we’re rolling out the new Reader design, and the Google+ features that we mentioned just over a week ago. Before the day’s over, all Reader users will be able to enjoy the following improvements:: […]
Your 46894 shared items are public – Why i care about the announced Google Reader changes
Google recently announced that it is going to make some changes to Google Reader in a Blog Post called: Upcoming changes to Reader: a new look, new Google+ features, and some clean-up. My initial reaction was the following tweet: [blackbirdpie id=”127270179318149120″] I am not amused, may be to the extend that i might fall under […]