Category: IMHO

  • EMagazines are the new hype, NYT Skimmer showing the way

    In the context of the current paid content debate at least magazine publishers seem to start thinking how the content that people might be willing to pay for should look like. ( Others are saying, they are dusting off their years old concepts. ) However, EMagazines seem to be the new hype. Every week we […]

  • Die Schizophrenie des Kai Diekmann

    Fall 1: Böses Internetunternehmen macht schwer zugängliche Informationen leicht zugänglich, cached sie ggf. und schaufelt den Content-Erstellern Traffic und damit Umsätze zu. Konsequenz: Hamburger Erklärung etc. Fall 2: Gute große Zeitung, zitiert kleine Zeitschrift, Interesse wird erzeugt und mit ein bisschen Glück kaufen möglichst viele Zeitungsleser auch das Original-Magazin. (siehe  KAI DIEKMANNS BLOG.) BILD wollte […]

  • Reanimating IPTC7901

    In the  web RSS and ATOM feeds are still the backbone of  the news ecosystem.  But most professional news organizations still prefer to use standards from their own standardization body, the “International Press & Telecommunications Council”: IPTC. (Explaining why i put emphasis on the two “still”s is worth a separate post) While IPTC NewsArchitecture G2  […]