Tag: iPad

  • News Apps Screenshots

    A number of screenhots taken from various news apps. Right now not taken in any particular order. Rem.: Unfortunately the iPad Screenshot facility does not store the orientation of the screenshot with the image, so that i couldn’t use the upload facility from the WordPress iPad App as i wantec too. Apple you have to […]

  • iPad – initial impressions

    This is a short post about my first impressions after using the iPad and some of the applications i downloaded. I wasn’t able to spend more time yet, because i’m attending wherecamp today and tomorrow and then flying back to germany. But i thought it would be a worthwile exercise. Buying experience Since i knew […]

  • Die Welt iPad App

    Gestern gab es eine Pressemitteilung der Welt Gruppe in der mitgeteilt werden, dass die Welt und die Welt am Sonntag die ersten deutschen  Zeitungen seien, die im iPad-Store verfügbar sind: Zur Markteinführung des iPad in den Vereinigten Staaten am 3. April 2010 ist die WELT-Gruppe mit einer eigenen Applikation im App-Store vertreten. Mit der „Kiosk-App“ […]