Tag: python

  • DailyDeli for 2007-06-19

    Graphing with Python and plotting with .NET:

  • DailyDeli for 2007-06-05

    A company that claims to be able to do fraud detection in the news domain (and that has partnered with the associated press), a wiki covering the use of IronPython and a code review framework written in Python and Django as well a a repository of precompiled debian multimedia packages:

  • DailyDeli for 2007-05-31

    Catching up with 1 week holidays (part 1) as well as Where2.0 and AllThingsD announcements. Quite a collection from geo and python stuff  to a descriptin logic reasoner and a facet browser wirtten in java, so some visualization and virtualization stuff and  the website of the CIA’S( yes you read right) investment arm: